We are living in uncertain times, but one thing you should be certain of is that you can continue to build and maintain quality business relationships even in this era of social distancing. As you look for ways to engage your prospects and customers, let Raise Your Spirits be your partner in reshaping your business development plan by delivering engaging sensory engagement platforms in the midst of the new normal.
We collaborate with you to select the spirits category you would like to present, then we source and purchase recommended expressions. Any distilled spirit is fair game (We can source expressions ranging from $40-$3,000)
We coordinate delivery of each expression to each experience participant at their homes or other designated location (We recommend allocating at least 10 days for delivery)
An RYS host conducts the experience via an agreed upon videoconferencing platform (standard $700 experience fee)
After the experience we provide you with a follow up email with the tasting notes to share with your guests
Guests are welcomed to the virtual platform and guided through the tasting of up to three spirits expressions. RYS looks to source lesser known and/or rare fine spirits. The dialogue will introduce participants to the origins and elements of every expression using ou proprietary “Get HIP” approach (H-History; I- Ingredients; P-Process).
Everyone is able to interact and ask questions. The typical experience lasts 1-1 ½ hours. Best of all, your guests get to keep their bottles as gifts from you. (Note: Responsibl drinking is a core part of our philosophy. Even though guests are at home, we will require small pours a we walk through the experience.) Last, but certainly not least, we can shape the tasting conten to align with certain themes specific to your company’s value proposition, or we can conduct purely spirits-focused experience.
How much will it cost? That depends upon the number of guests you invite and the type/price of spirits. We recommend each participant receive three expressions, but it’ completely up to you.
Our marketing engine will continuously drive quality trial and sales of your product.Through partnering with local distributors and exclusive venues, we drive significant revenue from the marketing of these spirits across multiple channels. Our RYS team will:
Conduct on and offpremise product sampling opportunities at exclusive venues
Offer in-home spirits pairings with culinary offerings to drive direct sales
Develop menu branding at select venues
Create on-premise spirits sales and cocktail programs
Develop behind bar shelf merchandising platform
For luxury goods or craft products, retailers that place a high value on their customers are looking for innovative ways to show appreciation for their patronage. RYS seamlessly integrates these brands into Experiences and into complementary channels for their target consumer
Development of crossbranded experiences to place luxury goods and services in locations where their key demographic can have intimate exposure
Enhancement of client appreciation experiences
Create on-premise spirits sales and cocktail programs
Creation of private experiences integrating luxury goods
Food, wine and spirits integration
Let us be your spirits concierge to source some of the finest spirits to offer as gifts for your top clients or top employees. We will leverage our network of global supplier partners to find the perfect expressions for your top performers.
Let us be your partner in providing quality glassware and bar ware to compliment your spirits experience. Our weighted rocks glass is always a client favorite. The sensory effect of the glass in your hand contributes greatly to the spirits experience.
In addition, no drinking experience is the same once you have experienced the clearest ice you've ever seen using our craft ice molds. Technology and art combine to provide you with an ice creation system that will not disappoint.
This is an opportunity to purchase exclusive access to taste, select, and own bourbon some of the finest barrels of bourbon available today. Your Select Barrel Series is a selection of single barrels of Knob Creek Kentucky straight bourbon pulled expressly for you to experience and own. Each barrel has its own unique flavor profile and represents bourbon that will never be available again once each barrel is purchased. Each bottle from this barrel will have a custom placard on it with your desired wording and will be signed by Fred Noe (Jim Beam’s Great Great Grandson). Perfect for team or client gifts.
As the ability to attract, retain, and incentivize talented sales personnel grows ever more challenging, RYS' destination Experiences ("Experience(s)") serve as turnkey alternatives to the traditional incentive options. These Experiences not only streamline execution and timing for your internal staff, but they are also tool to attract executive and high-performing salespersons. This is the ultimate convergence of craft spirits and leisure travel. Through our exclusiv relationships with various craft distilleries and other locations such as Kentucky, La Vegas, our group coordinates private distillery tours, luxury accommodations; dining Experiences at the distillery, transportation and other VIP services.